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A soufflé dusted with icing sugar and served with burnt orange marmalade, rising a couple of centimetres above the brass tin it was cooked in.

How to make soufflé

This French classic is the perfect dinner party dessert. Add a little finesse and voilà, a light, decadently rich showstopper.
Meringue, banana and passionfruit curd cake

Meringue recipes

Nothing says celebration like meringue, whether it's the whipped peaks of a tart or a lightly cracked mound of pavlova.
Eton Mess

The best Eton mess recipes

The crunch of meringue, the tingle of cold cream, and always, always, a tumble of seasonal fruit. It's time to get messy.
How to make semifreddo

How to make semifreddo

The lesser known sibling of gelato makes for a cool and colourful Christmas centrepeice. Plus, it's easy to prepare ahead.