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Brigitte Hafner’s rhubarb dumplings

Brigitte Hafner recipe for rhubarb dumplings.
Rhubarb dumplings

Rhubarb dumplings

Prue Ruscoe
1H 30M

“My mother comes from Bavaria where potatoes are used many different ways,” says Hafner. “In fact, she has a very old Dr Oetker cookbook, which has 200 recipes devoted to the potato! Quite a few of those are desserts (Germans are pretty inventive when it comes to the humble potato). These potato dumplings rolled in buttery cinnamon breadcrumbs and stuffed with rhubarb compote are her recipe – she also uses Angelina plums in autumn, which are equally delicious. You really only need one for dessert, but any leftovers are delicious the next day cold.”


Rhubarb compote



1.For rhubarb compote, place rhubarb in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and stand until juices to start seep out (20-25 minutes). Add orange rind and lemon juice and simmer over low heat, covered with a lid and stirring occasionally, until rhubarb is just tender, but still holds its shape (4-6 minutes). Set aside to cool in pan, then refrigerate until required.
2.Simmer potatoes in a large saucepan of water until tender (25-30 minutes). Drain well then, when cool enough to handle, peel and pass through a mouli (or mash and pass through a coarse sieve) into a bowl. Add semolina, flour and egg yolk, mix to a smooth dough (it should be firm but not sticky; lightly dust with flour if necessary), cover and set aside.
3.Meanwhile, preheat oven to 180C, spread breadcrumbs on an oven tray and toast, stirring occasionally, until light golden (4-6 minutes). Heat butter in a large frying pan over medium heat until foaming, add sugar, cinnamon and breadcrumbs, and stir continuously until crumbs are golden brown (1-2 minutes). Set aside.
4.Divide dough into 9 pieces of about 50gm (2½ tbsp). Working with a piece at a time, roll in your hand, dusting with a little flour, to form a smooth ball, then flatten to about 1.5cm thick and place a teaspoonful of rhubarb compote (but no liquid) in the centre. Roll dough around compote to enclose, sealing any patches where filling seeps through, place on a tray and repeat with remaining dough and compote.
5.Blanch dumplings very gently in a large saucepan of barely simmering water until they float (15 minutes). Remove with a slotted spoon, gently shake off excess water, and place on paper towels briefly to drain. Roll in crumbs to coat evenly and serve with extra compote.

Drink Suggestion: Pennyweight Muscat.


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