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Chocolate Florentine wafer and honey semifreddo “tramezzino”

Australian Gourmet Traveller Italian dessert recipe for chocolate Florentine wafer and honey semifreddo “tramezzino” by Nicky Riemer from Melbourne Wine Room.
Chocolate Florentine wafer and honey semifreddo “tramezzino”

Chocolate Florentine wafer and honey semifreddo “tramezzino”

Chris Chen
1H 20M

“While holidaying in Florence, I could often be found licking my fingers after devouring several Florentines, and I thought they would work in my ice-cream sandwich. The chocolate sauce, which can be used in other decadent dishes, keeps for up to two weeks in the refrigerator. You’ll need to begin this recipe a day ahead.”


Chocolate Florentine wafers
Chocolate sauce



1.Stir honey and 50ml cream in a small saucepan over low heat until just combined (1 minute), then remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Whisk remaining cream in an electric mixer until soft peaks form (6-7 minutes), fold through honey mixture, then fold through chocolate and hazelnuts. Spoon into a plastic wrap-lined 9cm x 25cm (7cm deep) terrine mould, smooth top and freeze overnight.
2.Meanwhile for chocolate Florentine wafers, preheat oven to 180C. Roast almonds on a baking tray until golden (4-5 minutes), coarsely chop and set aside. Stir sugar, glucose and 60ml water in a saucepan over medium-high heat until sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil, brush down sides of pan with a clean wet pastry brush, then cook until dark caramel (5-6 minutes). Stir in chopped almonds and spoon onto a lightly oiled tray. Stand until cool and hard, break into coarse pieces and process in a food processor until very finely ground. Scatter thin, even layers of nut mixture in 7cm x 9cm rectangles on a lightly greased baking paper-lined baking trays or on non-stick baking mats. Bake in batches until melting (3-5 minutes), cool completely, then carefully transfer to a wire rack with a palette knife. Brush each biscuit with a thin layer of melted chocolate, refrigerate until set and until required.
3.Meanwhile for chocolate sauce, bring cream, sugar and 150ml water to the boil in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Remove from heat, add chocolate and stand until melted, stir until smooth and combined, then cool to room temperature.
4.To serve, dip terrine mould in hot water, invert semifreddo onto a chilled board, thickly slice with a hot knife and sandwich each slice with two chocolate Florentine wafers, chocolate facing outward. Spread a little chocolate sauce on serving plates, place a tramezzino on top of each, serve immediately.

Note Liquid glucose is available from health-food shops and the baking section at select supermarkets.

Drink Suggestion: Sweet but spicy fortified wine such as Marsala. Drink suggestion by Max Allen


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