“The Elizabeth Taylor of the drinks world, both sweet and tart, shrubs are refreshing and quenching in a concentrated all-natural syrup,” says John Dimitropoulos of Only Bitters. It seems he likes things off the beaten palate – his online store now offers shrubs, or drinking vinegars. Whether you take them for your health or to sharpen a cocktail, the likes of Shrub & Co peach or blood orange shrub, $22.95 each (473ml), Bevivo cherry drinking balsamic, $18.95 (500ml), Genki-Su nashi Japanese drinking vinegar, $21.95 (355ml), Pok Pok Som pomegranate drinking vinegar, $19.95 (473ml), Liber & Co Texas grapefruit shrub, $16.95 (237ml), or Currong Comestibles rainforest lime shrub, $18 (250ml), are sure to enliven your summer drinking.
Drinking vinegars
The Elizabeth Taylor of the drinks world, both sweet and tart...