A zesty autumnal sipper balancing light and bright with Southern charm.
Pink Moon Saloon’s patron saint of cocktails, co-owner Marshall King, is going green – a vibrant, shamrock green – and there isn’t a drop of Chartreuse in sight. “For our Sugar Pea Southside cocktail, we combine sweet but savoury sugar snap peas, aromatic gin and citrus – all of which are very good friends in the glass.” King recommends Archie Rose Signature Dry Gin for notes of Dorrigo pepperleaf, lemon myrtle and river mint.
Pink Moon Saloon, 21 Leigh St, Adelaide, SA, pinkmoonsaloon.com.au
Blend 2 cups of raw sugar snap peas with 1 cup each sugar and cold water until sugar dissolves. Pass the mixture through a fine strainer. Combine 45ml pea syrup, 50ml dry gin and 20ml lemon juice in a shaker. Add ice to fill, shake, taste, then strain into a salt-rimmed coupe to serve.