Spiced lamb chops with silverbeet, chickpeas and yoghurt recipe - Preheat oven to 200C. Combine spices and ½ tsp salt in a bowl, then rub generously all over lamb to coat well.
T-bone steaks with garlic buttered mushrooms and mash recipe - Preheat oven to 200C. Cover potato with cold salted water, bring to the boil and cook until tender when pierced (10-15 minutes).
"My best mate's father was a fisherman and he taught us how to fish," says Clugston. "On the weekends we'd catch blackfish and snapper in Boambee Creek and I'd take them home for Mum. This recipe is really about a super-fresh fish dressed simply with briny olives and crunchy nuts."
"Admittedly, on the surface this dish seems a bit odd," says Achatz. "Cocoa, pumpkin, cardamom, lamb? This is a perfect example, however, of a technique we use frequently at Alinea called 'flavour bouncing'."
A chicken schnitzel is hard to go past; The Unicorn Hotel’s extra crisp panko breadcrumb version is impossible to resist. Serve it on mashed potato with parsley, lemon wedges and their flavour-packed gravy.
While a baked whole trout looks impressive, it's a pretty simple procedure. We've baked this one with an aromatic riesling and lemon rind to coax out fresh flavours.