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Braised cavolo nero

Australian Gourmet Traveller recipe for braised cavolo nero.
Braised cavolo nero

Braised cavolo nero

Mikkel Vang
4 - 6
1H 30M
1H 50M

Robust greens such as cavolo nero stand up well to a slow braise. Cooking cavolo nero in just olive oil and garlic is simply delicious, but the addition of ricotta salata and pancetta gives a welcome salty hit.




1.Preheat oven to 160C. Pull the cavolo nero leaves away from the thick ribs, wash well and set aside.
2.Heat oil in a casserole over medium-high heat, then cook pancetta and garlic until just golden (2-3 minutes). Add cavolo nero, stir to combine, add stock, stir again, cover with a lid or foil and braise in the oven until cavolo nero is very tender (1-1½ hours). Serve with ricotta salata grated over.

Note Ricotta salata is a firm, salted variety of ricotta, available from select delicatessens.

Drink Suggestion: Chunky, rustic red barbera. Drink suggestion by Max Allen


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