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Eight candles for the table

Instagram be damned – candlelight is still the ultimate mood-setter at the table. Here are eight to suit any room.
Will Horner, styling Aimee Jones

1 Bougies La Française pillar candle in Black (8cm x 15cm), $29.95, from The Bay Tree


2 Bougies La Française dinner candles in Pensée, Rose Pale, Gris Perle, Taupe and Noir, $3 each, from Domaine Lumière.

3 Bougies La Française pillar candle in Taupe (7cm x 15cm), $21, from The Bay Tree.

4 Honeycomb Handrolled Beeswax Fat candle (20cm), $84.95, from Queen B.

5 Ester + Erik cone candles in Black and Dark Grey (34cm), $15.50 each, in Bronze (22cm), $19.50, in Powder (34cm), $15.50, and in Dark Grey (22cm), $14.50, all from Top 3 by Design.


6 Bougies La Française pillar candle in Whie Gold (7cm x 13cm), $30.50, from The Bay Tree.

7 Bougies La Française gemstone candle in White Gold, $17.95, from The Bay Tree.

8 Honeycomb Handrolled Beeswax Chopstick candles (20cm), $44.95 for eight, from Queen B.

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