It’s really important your Sichuan peppercorns are fresh for the best flavour, so buy a fresh packet. The pastries can be made ahead and refrigerated, ready to be fried just before serving. You could also fry them beforehand and reheat them in a warm oven.
Lard pastry
Sichuan salt
1.For lard pastry, combine lard, flours, 160ml water and a pinch of fine sea salt in a bowl, and knead until a smooth dough forms. If dough is too sticky, add extra flour. Cover with plastic wrap and stand to rest (30 minutes).
2.Boil potatoes in a large saucepan of salted water until tender (6-10 minutes). Drain and set aside uncovered to steam dry (10 minutes).
3.Meanwhile, heat oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat, add onion and pancetta and sauté, stirring occasionally, until onion is very tender (8-10 minutes). Add Sichuan pepper and stir until fragrant (1-2 minutes). Add potato, stir until potato has absorbed the pan fat, then add coriander, season to taste with salt and cool.
4.Divide pastry into 20 even pieces. On a lightly floured surface, halve each piece, then roll each half to an 8cm round. Place a scant tablespoonful of potato mixture in the centre of one round, cover with the other round, press edges together to seal, then carefully lift the edges and pleat around in one direction to secure. Place on a lightly floured tray and repeat with remaining dough and potato mixture.
5.Heat vegetable oil in a deep-fryer or deep saucepan to 180C. Add pastries in batches and fry, turning occasionally, until golden (4-6 minutes; be careful, hot oil will spit), drain on paper towels, then repeat with remaining pastries.
6.For Sichuan salt, pound the peppercorns and salt with a mortar and pestle. Serve pastries warm sprinkled with Sichuan salt to taste.