Pass us a spoon. The best relief for the colder months is a soul-warming pudding, from the delightful burnished top to the sweet, fluffy insides. Sponge puddings, self-saucing puddings, rice puddings – if you’re not convinced yet, the honey, polenta and buttermilk-ricotta pudding will very likely change your world view.

Baked ricotta pudding with mandarin, honey and chamomile compote

Palisa Anderson’s pandan, tapioca and young coconut pudding

Caramel pudding with crème fraîche, rhubarb and vanilla

Steamed vanilla pudding with pears and vanilla crème anglaise

Honey and saffron rice pudding with sesame brittle

Orange blossom milk puddings with mandarin

White chocolate and banana baked rice puddings

Chocolate self-saucing pudding with miso and sesame crunch

Apple and candied ginger self-saucing pudding

Lemon curd and almond bread and butter pudding

Self-saucing chocolate and almond milk pudding

Rhubarb and ricotta bread and butter pudding