You can spot a Mexican dish by its vibrant colour. Chartreuse limes and guacamole alongside vivid red chillies and tomato salsa; the sunny colour of corn paired with the rich, decadent brown of shredded meat. From eggplant tacos to duck carnitas, this cuisine is sure to inject much-needed vitality into your winter recipe repertoire. “When I think of Mexican food, I think of parties, because it’s fun, bright and zingy,” says Australian cook Justine Schofield, who created these ten Mexican-inspired recipes with La Banderita.

Tender duck meat. Orange and chilli salsa. Warm and soft tortillas. These hearty carnitas are just what you need on a crisp Sunday afternoon. Set aside two hours to cook the duck meat until it falls off the bones.

A go-to recipe when you’re feeding a large group or hosting a party. Cook the beef cheeks before your guests arrive, then serve with avocado, pickled onions, a dollop of sour cream and La Banderita flour tortillas. These soft and fresh tortillas are crafted using traditional Mexican techniques passed down through generations.

Baked eggs with jalapeno
Baked eggs with jalapeno white sauce
A quick and easy winter warmer, this baked egg dish can be made in under half an hour. Divide spinach and béchamel sauce between ramekins, then crack in the eggs to bake. Put a spicy twist on béchamel sauce by adding jalapeno and chipotle into the mix.

Best cooked on a lazy weekend, these nourishing tacos take three hours to create (not to mention overnight chilling time for the shanks). The end result? Juicy shredded lamb and cucumber salsa wrapped up in flour tortillas and fried in lamb fat until crispy. Perfect.

For the vegetarians among us, there’s always eggplant tacos. Justine’s reliable recipe is created with homemade avocado cream, eggplant brushed in tomato basting sauce, and corn tortillas. Garnish with almonds to add texture.

Here comes that aforementioned blast of Mexican colour. The seared scallops are a great visual base for bright charred corn, chopped long red chilli and shredded purple cabbage. As for the tacos, Justine says: “Heat up some of the La Banderita street tacos for about 30 seconds on each side, just in a warm pan without any oil.”

Chicken taquitos with green salsa
Like the Mexican version of spring rolls, these BBQ chicken tacquitos are the ultimate crowd-pleasers. Switch up traditional tomato salsa for homemade green salsa. Just blend all the ingredients until smooth for a zesty, refreshing dip.

Tortilla soup
Soup is synonymous with comfort food, and perfect for the cooler season. Justine’s spice-heavy recipe sees pulled chicken paired with a delicious tomato mixture. Serve with golden and crisp tortilla strips.

Braised beans with soft boiled eggs
Another vegetarian favourite, this Mexican dish swaps meat for kidney beans and lentils doused in spices and honey. It’s stuffed with lightly caramelised vegetables and soft boiled eggs and served with warm tacos on the side, making for a wholesome and satiating dinner.

These impressive lamb tacos are a real showstopper. Reserve two hours to prepare the star ingredient: The cumin crusted lamb. Just before serving, warm the tortillas in a dry pan over medium heat. For the filling, Justine says: “Carve really thin pieces of this lamb, add the delicious pan juices, a crumble of feta, fold the taco over, and tuck in.”
Brought to you by La Banderita. Available in a variety of size and pack combinations, find the product range in Harris Farm, Woolies Metro, IGA, COSTCO and a great number of specialty stores and gourmet markets.