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Bar Economico’s Poco Loco Ti Punch

A smoky take on the classic precursor to the Daiquiri.
Rodney Macuja

A smoky take on the classic precursor to the Daiquiri.


Der Raum is dead, long live Bar Economico. Trust Matthew Bax to shut the doors on his flagship bar and turn it into a cut-rate “rum brothel” instead. Ever the contrarian, Bax has of late turned his attention to the microscopic Bar Americano in the Melbourne CBD and Gamsei, a locavore-style drinkery in Munich. But though Economico looks rough and ready, nothing about it is accidental or slipshod, least of all the drinks, as this clever twist on the Ti Punch demonstrates. Bar Economico, 438 Church St, Richmond, Vic.

To make a smoked tea syrup, brew a very strong pot of lapsang souchong tea (Bax leaves his to infuse overnight), then mix equal parts tea to caster sugar and keep refrigerated. To serve, present the chilled syrup with a bottle of agricole-style rum (Bax suggests 10 Cane Rum or Rhum JM), slices of lime and blocks of ice. Pour a healthy measure of the rum into tumblers over ice then encourage your guests to add lime and the syrup to taste.

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