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Heston Blumenthal brings The Fat Duck to Melbourne

Brace yourself, Melbourne: The Fat Duck is set to fly south for our summer. And autumn. And winter.

Heston Blumenthal

Andrew Finlayson

Brace yourself, Melbourne: The Fat Duck is set to fly south for our summer. And autumn. And winter.


Describing it as “the furthest migration any duck has made, particularly a fat one”, Heston Blumenthal has revealed his plan to close his Fat Duck in Bray for six months and bring the restaurant to Crown in Melbourne.

Speaking at a press conference at Crown this morning, Blumenthal took pains to emphasise that the restaurant was not a pop-up version of his famed three-star restaurant, but a fully-fledged migration. The Fat Duck in Bray will close in December and, after spending time over Christmas with their families, the whole Fat Duck team will come to Melbourne for six months, opening on the site currently occupied by Breezes.

After the Fat Duck flies back to Britain (following extensive modernisation of the restaurant’s original building in Bray), the Crown site will become a permanent branch of Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, the chef’s London restaurant. It will be the first restaurant Blumenthal owns outside the UK.

The Fat Duck at Crown Melbourne is expected to open in February 2015.


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